
I, the undersigned, 作为亚利桑那州立大学系的代表, 校园或注册学生团体, 我愿意为以下所述的夏令营目的/活动承担作为夏令营赞助商的责任. I understand that, as Camp Sponsor, 我所在的院系或学校保证会支付与这次夏令营有关的所有费用. 附上不可退还的200美元押金(支付给pg电子游戏试玩),用于保留所附设施使用申请表中指定的亚利桑那州立大学设施. 如果亚利桑那州立大学无法按照要求保留设施,押金将全额退还. 我已经阅读了目前发布在夏令营网页上的亚利桑那州立大学夏令营政策,并理解了这一点, as Camp Sponsor, 我的工作职责如下. To serve as liaison with all University agencies supporting the camp; 2. To coordinate arrangements for use of University facilities in accordance with University scheduling regulations; 3. To have put into force, if appropriate, a contract with the client group conducting the camp; 4. To acquaint the Camp Director with University policy, emergency procedures, and facilities layout; 5. 向亚利桑那州立大学校园警察提供夏令营紧急定位表(包括夏令营时间表), and the Vice President of 财务及行政 and the appropriate Housing personnel no later than 3 hours after camp registration ends; 6. To be accessible in emergency situations; and maintain necessary reports and documentation; 7. To assist, as required, with check-out of campers; 8. To check on any damages reported; 9. 协调批准大学服务和设施的发票.

Camp Information

需要校内宿舍 *
